Our Corporate Social Responsibility

As a business, Talking Stick Global believes passionately about giving back to the communities and people that have given us so much over the years. During the 14 years that we have been in business we have undertaken a number of initiatives with our partners in an effort to give back to the local communities. These initiative range from raising funds for the Chinotimba Home for the Aged in Victoria Falls, township feeding schemes with Legacy Hotels, and supporting the PR and Marketing of the How Many Elephants conservation group.

We are passionate about “giving back” and offer our skills on a pro bono basis to communities and conservation organisations that need help marketing their initiatives.

Familiarisation trips are embedded in the tourism DNA. They are something we all enjoy and learn from and what better way to educate our travel partners on our products, services, facilities and countries than showing them what we do and how we do it.

On each of our familiarisation trips we include a CSR element, spending part of our time visiting projects and communities that we support.  We hope that by allowing participants to experience our CSR on the ground, it encourages them to include an element of CSR in their future client’s trips.